
We’ve all been in a hotel, opened the door to our assigned room for a fun-filled stay or business necessity and been overwhelmed with a musty odor, chemical smell, black (mold) spotting in the shower stall, unseen contaminants flooding the room through contaminated HVAC system, on and on. These harbingers of disease of all kinds cause a trip back to the front desk demanding another room. It doesn’t have to be that way.

Regardless of housekeeping’s best of intentions, incomplete cleaning and limited or no effective air disinfection allows bacteria, viruses, fungi and mold to propagate thus causing breathing issues, nose and throat irritation, and much more. Germs end up becoming the guests as they linger longer on surfaces and in hidden areas around the room and in the bathroom just waiting for their chance to infect.

Protect the good health of guests, staff and others by introducing:

Decontaminate the indoor air in guest rooms

Disinfect hard and soft surfaces in guest rooms.

Do it right the first time for the benefit of all.