Indoor Air Decontamination Equipment
The need for safe, decontaminated indoor air (we spend ~ 90% of our days and nights indoors) has never been greater. This goal is achievable and it requires meaningfully proactive steps to create a balance between risk and reward among these oftentimes conflicting priorities:
Real-time detection of contaminants from particulates to pathogens, to VOCs, and mold.
Maximum deactivation of these airborne and surface-residing pollutants.
On-going detection of pollutant concentrations
Reduction of high energy costs unintentionally created when increasing filter densities.
Reduction of lost work and school days
Establishing a rational standard for indoor air quality vs. risk management
Ensuring continual adherence to regulations versus effective, durable solutions
The bottom line is to find the sweet spot when balancing the risk of indoor air pollutants, concentrations, the energy load to condition a space, with the realistic level of targeted pollution controls that can be achieved through ventilation, filtration and air decontamination technologies. Our toolbox is designed to target physical, chemical, and biological indoor air pollutants and neutralize and deactivate them to achieve decontaminated air. The high-bar objective is 6 Air Changes per Hour, which is the standard to begin to equate indoor air quality with outdoor air safety. Doing so is TransAct’s specialty through our array of best-in-class protocols and the equipment below.
NOTE: ASHRAE recently committed to developing an Indoor Air Quality Pathogen Mitigation Standard, not sure why it’s taken so long, but it’s coming and yet another example of the high importance of decontaminating indoor air for the good health of all inhabitants. More