
Healthy living is our mutual goal which means a germ-free home best we can.

After they analyzed dust samples collected from 1,200 US households, researchers at University of Colorado at Boulder identified over 9,000 different species of microbes, bacteria and fungus, depending upon where the home is located, the gender of the people living inside, and whether or not pets were present. Bacteria, viruses, molds, etc. lurk everywhere, but have been found in study after to study to be most prevalent … first and foremost in the indoor air throughout the house and then on hard surfaces in the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, knobs/handles/switches (high touch points), wherever kids engage with surfaces (toys, counters), the HVAC system; the list is long. To the point, a “decontaminated" home is a healthy home. Getting rid of bacterial, viral and mold contamination is a must. Don’t cut corners.

Here is the at-home equipment to serve these all-important needs:

Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

Home and Personal Air Decontamination Tools

Hard Surface Disinfection Tools