Sports & Fitness

It's incongruous that facilities we go to for good health actually can deliver the opposite experience. Of course gym equipment, exercise mats, locker rooms, showers, the list is long, are all vectors of disease. Contaminated surfaces and sharing equipment with one another are incredibly easy ways to pick up germs and get sick days later. Disease, in the form of bacteria, viruses, molds and fungi, lurk everywhere.

What can be done about it? Wash our hands frequently, use a hand sanitizer, use disinfectant wipes on equipment after use. But in the case of aerosols in the air that cause respiratory disease like Covid, this is simply not enough. What’s needed is decontamination of the air we breathe while exercising, primarily, then surfaces to boot.

Click below to display air disinfection equipment to rid contamination for your facility’s indoor air and hard surfaces.

Decontaminate the indoor air in your fitness center, gym, any indoor activity center.

Disinfect surfaces particularly the "high touch points” areas such as equipment, mats, handles, weight balls, you name it.

Protect the good health of staff, patrons and visitors.